Hack The Box Blue writeup (w/o Metasploit) - Blue
nmap -A
We have Windows 7 Pro 7601 SP1
ports 135 445 are open
1/We can try to scan it for vulns with nmap
nmap --script vuln -p 445
Looks like we have Eternal Blue here: MS17-010
We can check what we have on SMB
smbclient -L
Try accessing Users share
smbclient //
2/This share is accessible without password.
Let’s copy this repo
will run checker.py
3/All named pipes are denied. Mist eternal blue scripts won’t work here.
Searching eternal blue and Windows version 7601 gives us this
To use the script we need two things:
prepare a reverse shell
edit script for our needs:
edit username variable to use share without the password (guest authentication)
specify location for our reverse shell that we generated
4/Let’s run the script
While listenning on port 4444 locally
5/We got shell and we are nt authority.
Now we can get root flag
We can also grab user flag